44 Test Menu WinCHAP User’s Manual
4.1.2 Changing the order of the records
The Sort button is used to change the order of the displayed records.
1. Enter the Test Menu.
2. Click the window that you would like to sort: Client-Patient
or Hearing
3. Click
4. Double-click the desired Table Field you would like to sort by. This will
move the field to the Sort Order List column.
5. Choose to have an
Ascending or a Descending sort.
6. Click
Sort to complete the sort.
7. Click Save Settings
to save the sort order as the default order.
4.1.3 Finding a record
The Search icon is used to find specific client or hearing aid records.
1. Enter the Test Menu.
2. Select the type of record you are looking for: Client-Patient
or Hearing
3. Click
Search. This button is represented by a pair of binoculars in the
Test Menu toolbar.
4. Input the criteria for which you want to search.
5. Double-click on the record in the list of search results to view it in the
Test Menu.
4.1.4 Editing a record
To edit the details of a client or hearing aid record, you must go to the Office
Manager. You can do this directly from the Test Menu.
1. Find the record you want to edit. See Section 4.1.3.
2. Click Office in the Test Menu toolbar. This will open the Office Manager
to the selected record.
3. Make any desired changes to the record.
4. Click
Save in the Office Manager.
5. Click
Back in the Office Manager to close it and return to the Test Menu.
4.1.5 Displaying all records
When you use the Search function, or you enter the Test Menu from the Office
Manager, the records listing in the right column will narrow to the selected
record. To reset this list to include all records (in groups of 30), click Reset List
in the Test Menu toolbar.