54 Audiometric Test Screen WinCHAP User’s Manual
• Use the Refresh button to refresh the graphics on the window.
• Use the
Delete button (represented by a recycle bin in the toolbar) to
delete all test curves. If you would like to selective data, click on the
arrow next to the
Delete button and choose the desired function. You
can delete the selected right or left curve, all the right curves, all the left
curves, or all curves.
There are several ways to change the display of the window. Open the
menu and point to Graphic Settings. You will see the following selections:
• Symbols: Turn ON and OFF the display of the curve symbols on the
audiometric graphs.
• Grid: Turn ON and OFF the display of the grid lines on the audiometric
You can also choose between using US audiometric symbols and
audiometric symbols. To do this, open the
Settings menu, point to Graphic
Settings, point to Symbols, and select Symbols Type. This will open the Print
Configuration window. Changing the Audiometric Symbols setting in the
General tab will also change the symbols used in the Audiometric Curves
5.2.7 Changing the curve colors
You can change the curve colors used in the Audiometric Curves window. To do
1. Open the View menu and point to Color Palette
2. Select Right Ear Curve Colors or Left Ear Curve Colors. This will open
the Curve Colors window.
3. Select the curve you want to change in the List of Curves box.
4. Click Select Curve Color. This will open the Color Palette window.
5. Choose one of the Basic Colors and click
OK, or click Define Custom
Colors to open the Custom Color Palette window.
To define a custom color:
1. Follow the instructions above to open the Custom Color Palette window.
2. Select the desired color in the color box.
3. Select the desired shade of the color in the shade box, just to the right
of the custom color box. The actual selected color will be shown in the
Color/Shade box.
4. Click Add to Custom Colors to add the selected color to one of the
Custom Colors boxes.