WinCHAP User’s Manual Audiometric Test Screen 51
To capture an audiometric test:
1. Set up the audiometer as usual to run the desired test.
2. Click
CONNECT in the Audiometric Test toolbar.
3. Administer the test. WinCHAP will automatically display the test results
as you run through the different frequencies on the audiometer. The test
results will be recorded as indicated in Table 5.2.1.
when done.
5. Click
Save to store results.
TABLE 5.2.1
Recorded as Tested Ear Other Ear
Air Conduction HTL Input: tone no stimulus
Output: phone
Masked Air Conduction Input: tone Input: NBN
Output: phone Output: phone
Bone Conduction HTL Input: tone no stimulus
Output: bone
Masked Bone Conduction Input: tone Input: NBN
Output: bone Output: phone
Unaided Input: tone no stimulus
Output: speaker
5.2.2 Using the Patient Response Button
When capturing tests from your FONIX audiometer (Section 5.2.1), you can set
the audiometer to respond to the patient response button in the following man
ner: whenever a signal is presented, the WinCHAP display will update with an
appropriate symbol placed at the specified frequency and amplitude. This sym
bol will include the no-response diagonal arrow, specifying that the patient has
not yet responded to it. When the patient pushes the patient response button
while the signal is being presented, the no-response diagonal arrow will disap
pear, leaving a normal audiometric symbol on the WinCHAP display.
The patient response button update only works when a stimulus is being
presented. If the patient pushes the button when there is no stimulus, the
WinCHAP display will not be updated.