
WinCHAP User’s Manual The DSL/NAL-NL1 Module 71
8. Click Save Test to store the test results.
9. Click Back to return to the Audiometry window.
Figure 6.2.5A— Setup for the REDD measurement. The TDH earphone is placed on top of the
probe mic setup.
Figure 6.2.5B— The REDD measurement window – use old figure
6.3 DSL Verification
There are two ways to verify that the hearing aid meets the DSL prescription:
through coupler measurements and through real-ear measurements. In the DSL
window, you can view the coupler and real-ear targets in dB GAIN or dB SPL.
When displaying in dB SPL, you can also view the patient’s thresholds, upper
limits, and the LTASS. Coupler and real-ear measurements can be performed
and compared to the displayed targets. See Figure 6.3.