GNS 430(A) Pilot’s Guide and Reference
190-00140-00 Rev. P
Climb to 5000’
outbound via PMD VOR
R-282, then climbing
RIGHT turn to 7000’ direct
PMD VOR and hold.
Palmdale (CA) AF Plant 42
VOR/DME or GPS Rwy 25
Figure 6-65 Palmdale Missed Approach
In this instance, the leg corresponds to the initial phase
of the missed approach, which reads ‘Climb to 5000’
outbound via PMD VOR R-282’. Refer to Figure 6-65 for
the following steps.
1) After crossing the MAP, press the OBS Key.
The missed approach sequence is automatically
offered, starting with the course from fix to
altitude leg. The ‘NEXT DTK 282°’ alert appears
in the lower right corner of the screen.
2) Note that within a few seconds of pressing the
OBS Key to release suspend mode and start
the approach sequence, ‘SUSP’ re-appears
above the OBS Key as the GNS 430 returns
to suspend mode. This is normal when flying
a course from fix to altitude leg and indicates
that automatic leg sequencing is suspended.
3) Fly the outbound course. The Map Page depicts
the flight path extending indefinitely from PMD
VOR (Figure 6-66). The distance (DIS) on the
Default NAV Page, the Map Page, and the
Active Flight Plan Page increases, indicating
the distance back to PMD VOR.
Figure 6-66 Map Page
4) Upon reaching the desired altitude (5000’),
press the OBS Key to return to automatic leg
sequencing. Confirm that ‘SUSP’ no longer
appears directly above the OBS Key.
5) An alert (‘NEXT DTK 126°’) appears, providing
guidance to the inbound course (Figure 6-67)
The actual desired track (DTK) depends on
ground speed and distance from PMD VOR.
Intercept and fly the inbound course.
Figure 6-67 Waypoint Alert