
GNS 430(A) Pilot’s Guide and Reference
190-00140-00 Rev. P
2) Turn the small and large right knobs to enter
the desired figure (Figures 1-5 and 1-6) and
press the ENT Key.
Figure 1-6 Fuel Flow Selected
The Instrument Panel Self-test Page includes selections
to set fuel on board (FOB) to full capacity and access the
Checklists Page. This allows the pilot to quickly set fuel
to full limits and display any checklists that have been
entered, such as start up or takeoff checklists.
To set fuel on board to full (if not provided
by sensor):
1) Turn the large right knob to highlight ‘Set Full
Fuel?’ (Figure 1-7).
Figure 1-7 ‘Set Full Fuel?’ Highlighted
2) Press the ENT Key and verify that fuel on board
(‘FOB’) now matches the fuel capacity (CAP)
figure. Fuel on board is reduced, over time,
based on the fuel flow (FF) figure.
To view the Checklists Page:
1) Turn the large right knob to highlight ‘Go To
Chklist?’ (Figure 1-8) and press the ENT Key.
Figure 1-8 ‘Go To Chklist?’ Highlighted
2) Turn the large right knob to select the desired
checklist, then execute each step (Section
10.3, Utility Page: Checklists) in the selected
3) Once the pilot completes the desired checklist(s),
press the small right knob to return to the
Checklists Page. Press the small right knob
again to return to normal operation on the
Satellite Status Page or the Map Page.
4) Once instrument operation has been verified
with the Instrument Panel Self-test Page
displayed, press the ENT Key.
NOTE: The GNS 430 can hold up to nine checklists
with up to 30 entries in each checklist.