GNS 430(A) Pilot’s Guide and Reference
190-00140-00 Rev. P
Another Procedures Page option allows the pilot to
activate the final course segment of the approach. This
option assumes the pilot will receive vectors to the final
approach x (FAF) and provides guidance to intercept the
nal course, before reaching the FAF.
To activate the approach, with vectors to
1) Press the PROC Key to display the Procedures
2) Turn the large right knob to highlight ‘Activate
Vector-To-Final?’ (Figure 6-6) and press the
ENT Key.
Figure 6-6 Procedures Page
In many cases, it may be easiest to Load the full
approach while still some distance away, enroute to the
destination airport. Later, if vectored to final, use the
steps above to select ‘Activate Vector-To-Final’—which
makes the inbound course to the FAF waypoint active.
Otherwise, activate the full approach using the ‘Activate
Approach?’ option.
The GNS 430 provides non-precision approach
guidance using its built-in GPS receiver. The GPS receiver
can also be used as a supplemental aid for precision
approaches (and for non-precision localizer-based
approaches), but the localizer and glideslope receivers
must be used for primary approach course guidance.
Approaches designed specically for GPS are often
very simple and don’t require overying a VOR or NDB.
Many non-precision approaches have GPS overlays to
let the pilot y an existing procedure (VOR, VOR/DME,
NDB, RNAV, etc.) more accurately using GPS.
Many overlay approaches are complex (in comparison
to GPS-only approaches). The GNS 430 displays and
provides guidance through each leg of the approach,
automatically sequencing through each of these legs, up
to the missed approach point (MAP). Approaches may
be own ‘as published’ with the full transition using any
published feeder route or initial approach x (IAF), or
may be own with a vectors-to-nal transition.
NOTE: The following approach examples are
intended for instructional use only and are not
to be used for navigation.