GNS 430(A) Pilot’s Guide and Reference
190-00140-00 Rev. P
1) Within 30 nm of KFLG, the GNS 430 switches
from enroute mode to terminal mode and the
CDI scale transitions from 5.0 to 1.0 nm, full
scale deflection.
2) If the approach has not yet been activated,
(in steps on the preceding page), do so when
cleared for the approach (Figure 6-78).
Figure 6-78 Activate Approach
3) When approaching the IAF (SHUTR), a waypoint
alert (‘NEXT DTK 030°’) appears in the lower
right corner of the screen (Figure 6-79).
Figure 6-79 Waypoint Alert
4) Press the VLOC Flip-flop Key to activate the
ILS frequency. If this step is forgotten, the GNS
430 displays a reminder message (within 3 nm
of the FAF) to activate the ILS frequency.
5) As the distance (DIS) to the IAF approaches
zero, the alert is replaced by a turn advisory
(‘TURN TO 030°’; see Figure 6-80).
Figure 6-80 Turn Advisory
6) Fly the outbound course.
7) Approximately one minute past SHUTR
intersection, the alert message ‘START PROC
TRN’ (Figure 6-81) appears in the lower right
corner of the screen (if the pilot has not yet
begun the procedure turn).
Figure 6-81 Alert Message