
Hasselblad H1D
Hasselblad H1D
Light metering and exposure control
The light metering system is capable of selective sensitivity producing three reective meter-
ing methods: Average, Centre weighted and Spot. All methods are measured in increments of
1/12 EV. Information transfer is rapid and automatic ensuring consistently correct exposure
settings even in dicult and changeable lighting situations.
Light measurement is made through the lens (TTL) by the AE viewnder and exposure is con-
trolled manually or automatically by the control wheels and/or settings. The information is
visible on both the grip LCD and the viewnder LCD. A great deal of control is available rang-
ing from 100% manual through to sophisticated fully automatic by way of the various expo-
sure methods: Manual, Aperture priority, Shutter priority, Program and Program variable.
Two primary factors have to be considered when making exposure control choice, namely,
metering method and exposure mode:
Metering method determines in which manner the light measurement is made and how
much of the image is taken into account( Average, Centre Weighted and Spot).
Exposure method involves the parameters and deciding factors about how the light meas-
urement is translated into aperture and shutter speeds. Here the choice is about the camera
controls and their eect on the result or suitability for the subject. Included in this choice is
the type of automation too (Manual for 100% user control, Aperture priority, Program, etc for
automated control).
Some methods and modes are much more suited to various situations and applications than
others, while some depend to a greater degree on personal preference and ways of working.
A discussion of the points to consider in this context is beyond the scope of this manual. If you