Hasselblad H1D
Attempt a half-press with the shutter release button with the camera
set at autofocus too see how the lens focuses and the light metering
reacts. Notice that the lens barrel does not revolve in autofocus but
you can immediately change the focus manually and immediately
revert to autofocus again by using a half-press again.
Note the ready accessibility of the very handy User button for access
short cuts to most functions (investigate how you can exploit this
excellent function to the full in a later section) as well as the AE-Lock
button for immediate exposure locking.
Feel for the stop down button positioned between the lens and the
Press the AF button and then turn the front control wheel to change
from AF single to AF continuous to Manual to try out the dierences
in how the camera behaves in these dierent modes, for example.
Press the EXP button on the viewnder and then turn the rear control
wheel to change the metering method to see the changes in sensitiv-
ity of the exposure meter.
Quite simply, just explore the camera for a little while to feel at home
with the general handling and the idea of control buttons and wheels
and LCD information, etc. The sooner you become accustomed to
moving the controls instinctively the sooner you will be able to eort-
lessly use the nesses on oer.
The remainder of this manual will slowly take you through stage for
stage each feature and setting so that you can master this marvellous
piece of photographic equipment and exploit it to the full.