Hasselblad H1D
(A drop shadow will be displayed beneath the selected symbol, for example )
5) In turn the rear wheel to choose the number of frames required:
2, 3, or 5.
6) In turn the rear wheel to choose one of four sequences:
A: Standard, Over, Under
B: Standard, Under, Over
C: Over, Standard, Under
D: Under, Standard, Over
7) In turn the rear wheel to choose the amount of EV variation required:
1, 1/2, 1/3 EV.
8) Press On (AF button) to activate the setting.
9) Press SAVE (DRIVE button) to save the setting.
! See note at the beginning of this section regarding the dierence between Single and
Continuous drive settings. In both cases, the bracketing function is automatically reset
for a new sequence.
! A bracketing sequence can be stopped mid-sequence by pressing the ESC (ON.OFF)
! As an example, a 5 frame sequence with an EV 1 variation setting at ‘Standard, Over,
Under’ would produce: Standard, +1EV, -1EV, +2EV, -2EV.
Screen after
Bracketing setting
activated indicating
3 frames remaining
in a Standard, Over,
Under, sequence with
no adjustment to the
Viewnder display indicating no adjustment to
next frame and three frames left in the sequence.