Hasselblad H1D
Film loading
The lm magazine can be loaded either on or o the camera.
Regularly check the interior of the magazine and remove dust, par-
ticles or any scraps of paper from previous rolls of lm. Load and
unload lm magazines away from direct light sources.
1) Fold out the lm holder key and turn it counter-clockwise 90°.
Withdraw the lm holder completely.
2) Place an empty take-up spool in the upper spool holder by plac-
ing one end over the xed stud in the holder and the other end
underneath the sprung spool retaining arm. Rotate the spool a
little if necessary until it clicks into position.
3) Completely remove the retaining paper band from a new roll
of lm and place it in the lower spool holder. See diagram for
correct orientation. Ensure you do not place the lm spool the
wrong way around!
4) Pull 8–10 cm (3–4 in.) of paper backing from the lm roll and
insert the tongue of the backing paper into the slot in the take-
up spool. Turn the spool one complete turn to ensure the tongue
is rmly held in place by the overlying paper backing.
5) Re-insert the lm holder into the main body of the lm magazine
ensuring the correct orientation. Press rmly inwards towards
the magazine and pay particular attention to see that both sides
are level with the magazine body before turning the lm holder