Hasselblad H1D
So Hasselblad, the most distinguished pioneer in medium-format photography, yet
again takes the vanguard position. We are condent that you are going to incorporate
this camera inseparably into your photographic life. We are also condent that you are
going to produce images you are proud of. Some of these will remain as a documenta-
tion of the history of our world, perhaps even beyond. That’s how it is with Hasselblad.
The primary goal of all camera development is of course the seamless and unobtrusive
production of superb images, regardless of situation. The H1D has abilities and features
that you may not think you need, yet. Each individual has their own way of working.
But the H1D has tremendous scope for ne-tuning your technique possibly beyond
your present ambitions so that is why we have decided to get you and your camera
acquainted and on friendly-terms as rapidly as possible.
The Quick Start section of this manual is therefore intended for everybody as a rapid-access
informational source, regardless of nal goal. With it you should be able to take photo-
graphs ‘untethered’ within minutes of unpacking. The H1D will function equally well as an
automatic point-and-shoot or as a total-control, ultra-professional instrument.