
Hasselblad H1D
Hasselblad H1D
Yes enables the setting.
No disables the setting.
Interval & Self Timer 21
• Exit • Stay
Allows either the Interval or Self Timer mode to
remain active aer an exposure or immediately
return to standard setting.
Exit clears the setting and produces an automatic
return to standard setting aer an exposure.
Stay retains the setting aer an exposure.
AE-Lock & Quick adjust 22
• Exp Reset • Saved
Allows either the AE-Lock or Quick adjust mode
to remain active aer an exposure or immediately
return to standard setting.
Exp Reset clears the settings and produces an
automatic return to standard setting aer an
Saved retains the AE-Lock or Quick adjust set-
tings aer an exposure.
Show EV 23
• Yes • No
Allows the display of EV settings on the grip
Yes enables the display.
No disables the display.
Show ISO 24
• Yes • No
Allows the display of ISO settings on the grip
Yes enables the display.
No disables the display.
Bracket parameter in manual 25
• Shutter speed • Aperture
Allows either the shutter speed setting or the
aperture setting to change when using the
Bracketing mode