116 HP ProLiant DL385 Server User Guide
• The ROM-Based Diagnostic Utility provides a preboot method for quickly
checking the validity of the three major sub-systems of the server (memory,
CPU, and boot disk) needed to boot an operating system.
For more information on the System Maintenance Menu, refer to the HP ROM-
Based Setup Utility User Guide on the Documentation CD.
iLO ROM-Based Setup Utility
HP recommends using iLO RBSU to configure and set up iLO. iLO RBSU is
designed to assist you with setting up iLO on a network; it is not intended for
continued administration.
To run iLO RBSU:
1. Restart or power up the server.
2. Press the F8 key when prompted during POST. The iLO RBSU runs.
3. Enter a valid iLO user ID and password with the appropriate iLO privileges
(Administer User Accounts, Configure iLO Settings). Default account
information is located on the iLO Default Network Settings tag.
4. Make and save any necessary changes to the iLO configuration.
5. Exit iLO RBSU.
HP recommends using DNS/DHCP with iLO to simplify installation. If
DNS/DHCP cannot be used, use the following procedure to disable DNS/DHCP
and to configure the IP address and the subnet mask:
1. Restart or power up the server.
2. Press the F8 key when prompted during POST. The iLO RBSU runs.
3. Enter a valid iLO user ID and password with the appropriate iLO privileges
(Administer User Accounts, Configure iLO Settings). Default account
information is located on the iLO Default Network Settings tag.
4. Select Network, DNS/DHCP, press the Enter key, and then select DHCP
Enable. Press the spacebar to turn off DHCP. Be sure that DHCP Enable is
set to Off and save the changes.