172 HP ProLiant DL385 Server User Guide
general diagnosis flowchart 134
grounding methods 154
grounding requirements 49
hard drive blanks 65
hard drive LEDs 24, 25, 26
hard drives 24, 25, 64
hard drives, adding 66
hard drives, determining status of 24
hard drives, installing 66, 68
hard drives, removing 67
hardware options 57
hardware options installation 52, 57
health driver 24, 110
health LEDs 24
help resources 165
HP Insight Diagnostics 118
HP ProLiant Essentials Foundation Pack 56,
HP ProLiant Essentials Rapid Deployment
Pack 109
HP Systems Insight Manager, overview 113
HP Technical Support 165
iLO (Integrated Lights-Out) 112
iLO RBSU (Integrated Lights-Out ROM-Based
Setup Utility) 116
Important Safety Information document 126
Insight Diagnostics 118
Inspect Utility 115
installation services 45
installation, server options 52
installing hardware 57
installing operating system 56
Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) 112
Integrated Lights-Out ROM-Based Setup Utility
(iLO RBSU) 116
Japanese notice 160
Korean notices 161
laser devices 158
LEDs 9, 23, 24, 25
LEDs, hard drive 24, 25
LEDs, troubleshooting 125, 132
loose connections 131
Management Agents 113
management tools 110
memory 58, 62
memory boards, removing and installing 58
Natural Language Search Assistant 121
NIC (network interface controller) 168
Node Interleaving 148
Online ROM Flash Component Utility 111
operating systems 56, 121
optimum environment 46
Option ROM Configuration for Arrays
(ORCA) 108
options installation 52, 57
ORCA (Option ROM Configuration for
Arrays) 108
OS boot problems flowchart 142
overtemperature LED 25
PCI array controllers, cabling 93