Disable (default) or enable the inclusion of a time stamp with data
produced by READ?, FETCh?, or other queries of scan results.
This command operates in conjunction with the other FORMat:READing
commands (they are not mutually exclusive). Use the FORMat:READ:
TIME:TYPE command (see below) to select absolute time (time of day
with date) or relative time (time since start of scan). The :TIME? query
reads whether or not the time is included. Returns “0” (
OFF) or “1” (ON).
Disable (default) or enable the inclusion of measurement units with
data produced by READ?, FETCh?, or other queries of scan results.
This command operates in conjunction with the other FORMat:READing
commands (they are not mutually exclusive). The :UNIT? query reads
whether or not the units are included. Returns “0” (
OFF) or “1” (ON).
:READing:TIME:TYPE {ABSolute|RELative}
Select the time format for storing scanned data in memory. You can
select absolute time (time of day with date) or relative time (time since
start of scan). The default is relative time. This command operates in
conjunction with the FORMat:READing:TIME command (they are not
mutually exclusive). The :TYPE? query returns “
ABS” or “REL”.
Note: The absolute format is considerably slower than the relative format.
Chapter 5 Remote Interface Reference
Scanning Overview