
Power Failure
When shipped from the factory, the instrument is configured to
automatically recall the power-down state when power is restored.
In this configuration, the instrument will automatically recall the
instrument state at power-down and resume a scan in progress.
If you do not want the power-down state to be recalled when power
is restored, send the MEMory:STATe:RECall:AUTO OFF command
(also see the Utility menu); a Factory Reset (*RST command) is then
issued when power is restored.
If the instrument is in the middle of a scan sweep when power fails,
all readings from that partially completed sweep will be discarded
(a sweep is one pass through the scan list). For example, assume that
your scan list includes four multiplexer channels and you want to
sweep through the scan list three times (see diagram). A power
failure occurs after the second reading in the third scan sweep.
The instrument will discard the last two of the 10 readings and will
resume scanning at the beginning of the third scan sweep.
If you remove a module or move a module to a different slot while
power is off, the scan will not resume when power is restored.
No error is generated.
If you replace a module with a module of the same type while power
is off, the instrument will continue scanning when power is restored.
No error is generated.
Power Fails
Sweep 1:
Sweep 3:
Sweep 2:
Chapter 4 Features and Functions