Switch Control Commands
:CLOSe (
:CLOSe:EXCLusive (
:CLOSe? (
Close the specified channels on a multiplexer or switch module. If any
multiplexer channels are configured to be part of the scan list, you cannot
close multiple channels on that module; closing one channel will open
the previously closed channel. On the other modules, you can use the
:EXCL command to ensure that all channels are open before closing the
specified channel. The :CLOS? query returns the state of the specified
channels. Returns “1” if the channel is closed or “0” if the channel is open.
•On the 20-channel multiplexer (HP 34901A), only one of the shunt
switches (channels 21 and 22) can be closed at a time; connecting one
channel will close the other.
•On the matrix module (HP 34904A), you can close multiple channels
at the same time.
•On the RF multiplexer modules (HP 34905A/6A), you can close only
one channel per bank at a time; closing one channel in a bank will
open the previously closed channel. One channel in each bank is
always connected to
COM. These modules respond only to the
ROUT:CLOSe command. To open a channel, send the ROUT:CLOSe
command to another channel in the same bank.
:OPEN? (
Open the specified channels on a multiplexer or switch module.
The :OPEN? query returns the state of the specified channel. Returns
“1” if the channel is open or “0” if the channel is closed.
Chapter 5 Remote Interface Reference
Switch Control Commands