
line voltage
factory setting, 27
fuse, 27
selection, 27
selector module, 5, 28
loading errors
ac voltage, 364
dc input resistance, 357
input bias current, 358
lock-link kit (rack mounting), 31
long form, SCPI commands, 297
low frequency limit
ac current, 116
frequency, 118
“M” (Mx+B scaling gain), 119
magnetic field errors, 340
firmware revision, 146
installing a module, 20
clearing relay count, 148
reading relay count, 147, 399
matrix switching, combining, 388
MAX annunciator, 4
maximum reading, during scan, 75
Measure key, 23, 24, 35, 36, 78
MEASure? command, 79
default settings, 201
description, 202
example, 205
range parameter, 207
resolution parameter, 207
syntax statements, 207
Measurement Complete signal, 95
measurement error, calculating, 414
measurement range
autorange, 98
command syntax, 215
overload, 98
selecting, 99
measurement resolution
“half” digit, 100
command syntax, 216
selecting, 101
vs. integration time, 103, 203
measurement speeds, scanning, 405
measurement tutorial, 333
medium ac filter, 114, 116, 361
medium timeout, 118
MEM annunciator, 4
overflow, 280
reading scanned readings, 90
threshold (status register), 391
viewing alarm data, 126
viewing scanned data, 24
MEM:NSTates? command, 263
MEM:STATe:DELete command, 262
MEM:STATe:NAME command, 262
MEM:STATe:RECall:AUTO command, 263
MEM:STATe:VALid? command, 263
front panel, 3, 33
summary, 35
message available, 279
calibration, 158
front-panel display, 144
errors, 303-318
Visual C++, 328
microwave switches, driving, 394
MIN annunciator, 4
minimum reading, during scan, 75
auto answer, 274
connection to, 274
echo commands, 274
flow control mode (RS-232), 154
result codes, 274
module description
HP 34901A, 164
HP 34902A, 166
HP 34903A, 168
HP 34904A, 170
HP 34905A, 172
HP 34906A, 172
HP 34907A, 174
HP 34908A, 176
module information
connecting wiring, 20
default settings, 162
dimensions, 413
firmware revision, 146
installing in mainframe, 20
reading relay count, 147
specifications, 409
strain relief, 20
MON annunciator, 4
Mon key, 37, 94
Monitor function
definition, 93
scan on alarm, 84, 94
while scanning, 75
with alarms, 93
with Mx+B scaling, 93
multiplexer types, 378
errors, 381
four-wire, 58, 380
one-wire (single-ended), 58, 378
two-wire, 58, 378
VHF, 58
Mx+B key, 35, 39
Mx+B scaling
custom label, 39, 120
default gain (“M”), 121
default offset (“B”), 121
equation used, 119
interaction with alarms, 119
null stored as offset, 119
setting gain (“M”), 39, 121
setting offset (“B”), 39, 121
strain measurements, 375
valid gain (“M”) values, 120
valid offset (“B”) values, 120
while scanning, 75, 119