Select the channels to be included in the scan list. To start the scan,
use the INITiate or READ? command. To remove all channels from the
scan list, send ROUT:SCAN (
The :SCAN? query returns a list of channel numbers in the
definite length block format. The response begins with the “#” character,
followed by a single character representing the number of succeeding
characters to interpret as a length specifier, followed by a length
specifier representing the number of bytes in the block, followed by a
block of that many bytes. An empty scan list (one with no channels
selected) will be “#13(
For example, if you send ROUT:SCAN (
@101:103), the ROUT:SCAN?
command will return the following:
Query the number of channels in the scan list. Returns a value between
0 and 120 channels.
:SOURce {BUS|IMMediate|EXTernal|TIMer}
Select the trigger source to control the onset of each sweep through the
scan list (a sweep is one pass through the scan list). The selected source
is used for all channels in the scan list. The instrument will accept a
software (bus) command, an immediate (continuous) scan trigger, an
TTL trigger pulse, or an internally-paced timer. The default is
TIMer”. The :SOUR? query returns the present scan trigger source.
Returns “
BUS”, “IMM”, “EXT”, or “TIM”.
Chapter 5 Remote Interface Reference
Scanning With an External Instrument