
Readings acquired during a Monitor are not stored in memory
(however, all readings from a scan in progress at the same time are
stored in memory).
The MEASure? and READ? commands send readings directly to the
instrument’s output buffer but readings are not stored in memory.
You will not be able to view these readings.
The INITiate command stores readings in memory. Use the FETCh?
command to retrieve stored readings from memory (the readings
are not erased when you read them).
Front-Panel Operation: From the front panel, data is available for
the last 100 readings on each channel readings taken during a scan
(all of the data is available from the remote interface). After turning
the knob to the desired channel, press the and keys to choose
the data that you want to view for the selected channel as shown below
LAST, MIN, MAX, and AVG annunciators turn on to indicate what
data is currently being viewed). Reading memory is not cleared when
you read it. Note that you can view readings from the front panel
even while the instrument is in remote.
Select Channel Last Reading on Channel
Time of Last Reading
Minimum Reading on Channel
Time of Minimum Reading
Maximum Reading on Channel
Time of Maximum Reading
Average of Readings on Channel
Second Most Recent Reading on Channel
Third Most Recent Reading on Channel
99th Most Recent Reading on Channel
Chapter 4 Features and Functions