Problem Resolution 5Ć13
Table 5-1. Information Codes on the HP FAX-700 and FAX-750 (Continued)
Mode Description of the Problem Action
504 Rx
Received DTC signal from the remote
party who was dialing, but polled flag was
not set
Remote party may have attempted to poll,
but a problem exists. Contact the remote
party for clarification
505 Rx
It took more than 5 sec for 1 scan line durĆ
ing message reception
Check for fax completeness. Check with
the remote party. Retry fax reception
506 Rx
Carrier frequency was not available for the
stipulated time during message reception
Check for fax completeness. Check with
the remote party. Retry fax reception
507 Rx
Overwrite occurred due to the receive
buffer and document memory being full
Check for completeness of the fax. ConĆ
tact the sending party about the nature of
the message they sent. Have them resend
in smaller pieces, if appropriate
508 Rx
Appropriate post message wasn't transĆ
mitted from the remote party after mesĆ
sage reception
Check for fax completeness. Contact the
sending station. Retry fax reception
509 Rx
Could not get the remote party response
within T1" time following
Check for fax completeness. Contact the
sending station. Retry fax reception
510 Rx
Received DCN command while in the subĆ
routine to receive a response following
DIC/DTC transmission
Check for fax completeness. Contact the
sending station. Retry fax reception
511 Rx
Frame error occurred ("T6") time passed)
while in the subroutine to receive a remote
party response following DIS/DTC reĆ
Check for fax completeness. Contact the
sending station. Retry fax reception
512 Rx
FCS error occurred while in the subroutine
to receive a remote party response followĆ
ing DIS/DTC transmission
Check for fax completeness. Contact the
sending station. Retry fax reception
513 Rx
Carrier did not go away for T6" time after
reception of RCP while in the subroutine
to receive a response following DIS/DTC
Check for fax completeness. Contact the
sending station. Retry fax reception
514 Rx
Received DCN command while in the
command subroutine
Check for fax completeness. Contact the
sending station. Retry fax reception
515 Rx
FCS error occurred while in the command
Check for fax completeness. Contact the
sending station. Retry fax reception
516 Rx
Image quality of the received message
data wasn't good
Check for fax completeness. Contact the
sending station. Retry fax reception