Problem Resolution 5Ć15
Table 5-1. Information Codes on the HP FAX-700 and FAX-750 (Continued)
Mode Description of the Problem Action
542 Tx
After sending partial page signal other
than PPS.EOP, failed 4 reĆtries, then transĆ
mitted the EOR command indicating
completion or correction. Received ERR
response from the remote party, but disĆ
continued message transmission
Retry fax send
543 Tx
After sending partial page signal other
then PPS.EOP, failed 4 reĆtries, then transĆ
mitted the EOR command indicating
completion or correction and received
ERR response from the remote party
Retry fax send
544 Tx
No response from the remote party to the
PPSĆO signal
Retry fax send
545 Not used
546 Not used
547 Not used
548 Tx
Received DCN command while in the subĆ
routine to receive a response following
PPS NULL/MPS/EOP/EOM transmission
Retry fax send
549 Tx
Frame error occurred ("T6" timeout) while
in the subroutine to receive a response
following PPS NULL/MPS/EOP/EOM transĆ
Retry fax send
550 Tx
FCS error occurred while in the subroutine
to receive a response following PPS
NULL/MPS/EOP/EOM transmission
Retry fax send
551 Tx
Carrier did not go away for T6" time after
reception of RCP while in the subroutine
to receive a response following PPS
NULL/MPS/EOP/EOM transmission
Retry fax send
552 Tx
Received DCN command while in the subĆ
routine to receive a CTC response
Retry fax send
553 Tx
Frame error due to T6" timeout while in
the subroutine to receive a CTC response
Retry fax send
554 Tx
FCS error while in the subroutine to reĆ
ceive a CTC response
Retry fax send
555 Tx
Carrier did not go away for T6" time after
reception of RCP while in the subroutine
to receive a CTC response
Retry fax send
556 Tx
Received DCN command while in the subĆ
routine to receive an RR response
Retry fax send
557 Tx
Frame error due to T6" timeout while in
the subroutine to receive an RR response
Retry fax send