
See numeric keypad.
Line Conditioning Signal
Line Control Unit. This PCA (Printed Circuit Assembly) inside the fax machine contains the hardware to
connect the fax machine to the telephone.
Line Interface Unit. See LCU above.
A company name or other identification which can be included in the header of documents that are sent.
manual reception mode
A mode in which a fax machine treats all calls as voice calls. All calls must be answered manually.
Message ConFirmation.
memory (Abbreviation is MEM)
Refers to the fax machine’s internal memory or storage capability.
memory reception
The ability of a fax machine to store an incoming document in memory for printing at a later time.
memory transmission
A transmission method where the entire document is loaded and stored into fax machine memory before be-
ing transmitted. After the last page is stored, the dialing sequence automatically starts.
message window
The display area on the control panel that shows messages, prompts, and status information.
A device that converts signals from a fax machine into signals that can be transmitted over telephone lines
and vice versa.
Modified Huffman, Modified Modified Read, and Modified Read
Names for three coding schemes for compressing data used by the HP fax machines described in this guide.
moisture content
The ratio of moisture to the dry mass of paper. This varies for different types of paper and may change consid-
erably if open paper is subjected to temperature and humidity extremes.
*CCITT signal for Group 3 transmission. For more information, see Group 3 standards documentation.