Product Information1Ć14
Maximum Resolution 203 dpi sending 203 dpi sending 203 dpi sending 300 dpi sending
203 dpi receiving 203 dpi receiving 300 dpi receiving 300 dpi receiving
ADF Capacity 20 pages (20 lb 20 pages (20 lb 30 pages (20 lb 30 pages (20 lb
(automatic docĆ paper) paper) paper or less) paper or less)
ument feeder) 20 pages if 20 pages if
paper > 20lb paper > 20lb
Halftone 32 levels 32 levels 64 levels 64 levels
Reduction Ratio 70% to 100% in 70% to 100% in 70% to 100% in 70% to 100% in
(Fixed) 1% increments 1% increments 1% increments 1% increments
Reduction Ratio Automatically reĆ Automatically reĆ Automatically reĆ Automatically reĆ
(Automatic) duces to fit on a duces to fit on a duces to fit on a duces to fit on a
page page page page
Table 1-5. Scanner Specifications (Continued)
Specification HP FAXĆ700 HP FAX-750 HP FAXĆ900 HP FAXĆ950
Print Cartridges
The HP fax machines described in this manual use one black print cartridge. See Table 1-7 for part numbers.
When printing text only on letter-size media, ink lasts for about 500 to 1000 pages. Text used was CCITT test image
number 1, the Slerexe Company letter. If text of greater density is printed or quality mode is used, results may vary
considerably. If the ink lasts much less than 1000 pages, ensure that you have removed both tapes from the print
cartridge before beginning to use it, and that the conductive part of the cartridge surface was not contaminated when
the print cartridge was removed from its box before installation.
The HP fax machines described in this manual work with ordinary bond and photocopy papers. Paper properties are
subject to change by paper manufacturers, and Hewlett-Packard has no control over such changes. For optimum print
quality, test paper (printing on both sides) for suitability, before you purchase large quantities.
Use plain bond or white photocopy paper of high quality. It should be free of:
D Cuts or tears
D Grease spots
D Loose particles
D Dust
D Wrinkles
D Curled or bent edges
Colored bond and photocopy paper (such as pink, yellow, or blue) can be used, as long as it meets the specifications in
Table 1-6.