About This Guide
This guide is designed as a reference for people who provide post-sale technical support to end users of the HP FAX-700,
HP FAX-750, HP FAX-900, and HP FAX-950 facsimile machines. It represents a collection of information gathered from
Hewlett-Packard’s dealer and end-user support organizations. The purpose of this guide is to provide answers to frequently
asked questions and solutions to common problems.
While the content of this guide is comprehensive, it is not all inclusive. Therefore, it is not a substitute for other types of product
documentation, such as user’s and reference manuals. Additional reference information or updates may be obtained by using
the resources located in chapter 6, Service and Support Information.
This guide is organized to help you quickly locate the information you need. You will find a table of contents at the beginning of
each chapter and a comprehensive index at the back of the guide.
Your constructive criticism concerning this guide will help us create better guides in the future. If you have comments, please
complete the Reader’s Comment Sheet located at the front of the guide.
Updates and corrections to this guide will be made available through HP FIRST at (800) 333-1917. (Must call using a Group 3
fax machine.)