Problem Resolution5Ć62
Remote Diagnostics Process
Use the following process to adjust settings in a customer’s HP fax machine from a customer support diagnostic unit:
1. Retrieve the settings and journal from the customer’s machine. Use the information under the heading “Re-
trieving Customer Data” in this chapter. The settings in the customer support diagnostic unit are modified to
that of the customer’s settings.
2. Analyze the settings and journal.
3. Adjust the parameters in the customer support diagnostic unit to fix the problem in the customer’s unit.
4. Transfer the adjusted setting to the customer’s HP fax machine. Use the information under the heading,
“Transferring Data to the Customer’s Machine” in this chapter.
5. Verify that the problem is fixed by retrieving journals at a later date and analyzing the diagnostic code on the
Analyzing a Customer’s Machine. Once you have retrieved the information from a customer’s HP fax machine,
review the diagnostic code digits from the journal and the function parameter settings.
If you received function parameter settings from the customer’s machine, print a listing of the function parameter set-
tings. In an HP FAX-900 or FAX-950, look for function parameters not set to the U.S. shipment settings and determine
if those settings may be causing the customer’s problems. In the HP FAX-700 or FAX-750, determine whether or not a
setting might be modified to solve the problem indicated. In the FAX-700 and FAX-750 machines, an information
code may be printed on the journal report to indicate the problem.
Read “Setting Function Parameters to Solve Communication Problems on the HP FAX–700 and FAX-750” or “Set-
ting Function Parameters to Solve Communication Problems on the HP FAX–900 and FAX-950” to determine which
function parameters to adjust to solve communication problems.
If you received a journal from the customer’s machine, print the journal using the instructions in “Diagnostic Codes”
in this chapter. See Table 5-30 “Significant Diagnostic Code Digits” for a list of specific diagnostic code digits that
may help identify the probable cause. These code digits can be further decoded for the FAX-700 and FAX-750 using
Table 5-9 through Table 5-18. These code digits can be further decoded for the FAX-900 and FAX-950 using
Table 5-19 through Table 5-27.
Example On the HP FAX-900 or FAX 950, if digit 5 of the diagnostic code shows that all communication
errors occur when receiving documents, the HP fax machine may need an adjustment to a
function parameter that affects the reception of documents such as Rx Level, G3 Rx Eql, and
Rx Start (function parameters 011, 013, and 018 respectively).