EN Font Header Format 11-27
Typeface Base ValueThe Typeface Base Number (bits 0 through 8)
ranged from 0 to 511. Some of these values referred to the styles
that vary by structure and appearance width (such as Helvetica
Condensed, Helvetica Outline, etc.). Do not use these values in
new designs since they are being deleted. Refer to Appendix C in
the PCL 5 Comparison Guide for a list of typeface families and their
typeface base values.
Note For future compatibility, use the two-byte (typeface MSB/LSB)
typeface family value. All scalable fonts use the larger typeface
family value. Older bitmap fonts use the smaller typeface base value.
Serif Style (UB)
Specifies one of the following defined serif styles.
Serif Style values 0-63 (the lower six bits of the style field) are ignored
by the printer for bitmap fonts. However, the upper two bits (bits 6 and
7) are used by a scalable font header to determine the serif style of
the typeface insensitive characters to complement the font. Serif style
values for the lower six bits are listed in the table below. Serif style
values for the upper two bits are listed in the following table.
Table 11-19 Serif Style Values
Value Serif Style
0 Sans Serif Square
1 Sans Serif Round
2 Serif Line
3 Serif Triangle
4 Serif Swath
5 Serif Block
6 Serif Bracket
7 Rounded Bracket
8 Flair Serif, Modified Sans
9 Script Nonconnecting
10 Script Joining