5-6 Page Control Commands EN
Table 5-1 HP-GL/2 State Variables
Control Panel Reset:
z executes “IN” command
z defaults picture frame
z defaults picture frame anchor
z defaults HP-GL/2 plot size
Changing Orientation
Sending a Page Size
z Defaults picture frame anchor
z Defaults picture frame.
z Defaults HP-GL/2 plot size.
z Defaults P1 and P2 (“IP;”).
z Defaults soft-clip window
z Clears the polygon buffer
z Updates the current position to
the lower-left corner of the
picture frame (P1).
Redefinition of the
and/or vertical
picture frame:
z Defaults P1 and P2 (“IP”).
z Defaults soft-clip window (“IW”).
z Clears the polygon buffer
z Updates the current position to
the lower-left corner of the
picture frame (P1).
Redefinition of the Picture
Frame Anchor Point:
z Defaults P1 and P2 (“IP”).
z Defaults soft-clip window (“IW”).
z Clears the polygon buffer
z Updates the current position to
the lower-left corner of the
picture frame (P1).
Specifications of a New
HP-GL/2 Plot Size:
z Changes the picture frame
scaling factor.