EN Entity Status Responses 16-15
Font Extended Response
The font extended response (inquire entity value field 4) provides a
way to return the name and internal ID number of the font, as well
as the “SELECT=” line. It is the same as a font status response
(inquire entity value field 1), in that “SELECT=,” “SYMBOLSETS=,”
“LOCTYPE=,” and “LOCUNIT=” are returned in the same manner.
They are not re-described here; refer to the “Font Response” section
for a description of their operation. However, for a font extended
request, two additional keywords, “DEFID=” and “NAME=” are
returned as described below.
“DEFID=” identifies the font’s internal ID number. This is the number
which appears on the font printout. It is the number used to select the
font as the default font from either the printer’s control panel or from
PJL (refer to the Printer Job Language Technical Reference Manual
for information on PJL font selection). The “DEFID=” number consists
of two parts, a location and an ID number, such as “I 21,” where “I” is
the location and “21” is the font’s internal ID number. The possible
locations are listed below:
Note The cartridge (Cn) and SIMMs (Mn) location identifiers are printer
specific. Refer to Chapter 1 of the PCL 5 Comparison Guide for
printer-specific values for “n.”
Since temporary soft fonts do not have an internal ID number (they
cannot be selected as the default from the control panel or PJL),
NONE is returned as their “DEFID=NONE”.
The font’s internal ID number is assigned to fonts by the printer. This
number is different than the soft font download ID number assigned to
a downloaded font using the Font ID (
*c#D) command.
Table 16-5
I - Internal
C - Cartridge - single cartridge printers
Cn - Cartridge - multiple cartridge printers where n is
printer specific
S - Permanent soft fonts
Mn - SIMMs where n is the number of the SIMM slot
for example: M2 is SIMM in #2 slot.
NONE - Temporary soft fonts