EN Horizontal Cursor Positioning (Columns) Command 6-5
Horizontal Cursor Positioning (Columns)
This Horizontal Cursor Positioning command moves the cursor to a
new column on the current line.
? & a # C
# = Number of Columns
Default = NA
Range = 0 - logical page right bound (valid to 4 decimal places)
The width of a column is defined by the current HMI.
Note The current unit of measure setting affects how HMI values are
rounded. For example, if the unit of measure is set to 96 (one
PCL Unit = 1/96 inch), then the HMI is rounded to the nearest 1/96
inch. If the unit of measure is set to 300 (one PCL Unit = 1/300 inch),
the HMI is rounded to the nearest 1/300 inch.
A value field (#) with a plus sign (+) indicates the new position is to
the right of and relative to the current cursor position; a minus sign (–)
indicates the new position is to the left of and relative to the current
cursor position. No sign indicates an absolute distance which is
referenced from the left edge of the logical page. The first column
within a line is column 0. This sequence ignores margins and can
therefore be used to set the current active position (CAP) to any
location along the current line.
If a request is made for a location outside the printer’s logical page,
the CAP is moved to the appropriate logical page limit.