EN Print Direction Command 5-9
Print Direction Command
The Print Direction command rotates the logical page coordinate
system with respect to the current orientation without performing a
page eject. This rotation is performed in 90° increments in a
counterclockwise direction. This allows printing in four directions on
the same page.
? & a # P
# = 0 - 0° rotation.
90 - 90° ccw rotation.
180 - 180° ccw rotation.
270 - 270° ccw rotation.
Default = 0
Range = 0, 90, 180, 270 (Other values ignored)
Changing the print direction causes the following:
z The print origin moves with the logical page rotation. For
example, rotating a default page (portrait orientation, 0° print
direction) 90° causes data to print in the landscape direction
across the “portrait” page.
z The margins are translated (when the print direction changes by
90°, the left margin becomes the new top margin, the former top
margin becomes the new right margin, etc.)
z The cursor position remains at the same physical location.
z All subsequent printing (characters, area fill patterns, raster
images) is rotated to coincide with the new print direction.
z Any current raster graphics end when the print direction changes.
z Print Direction does not default HMI.
Note The Print Direction Command does not affect HP-GL/2 vector graphic
images. HP-GL/2 graphics can be rotated only with the Orientation
command (?&l#O) or the HP-GL/2 “RO” command.