11-32 Soft Font Creation EN
Font Number (ULI)
The Font Number field uses four bytes (byte 44, 45, 46, and 47).
The lower three bytes (45, 46, and 47) contain the font number in
hexadecimal. This is the number the vendor assigns to their typeface.
The most significant byte (byte 44) consists of a flag in the most
significant bit indicating whether the font is in its native (0) format or
has been converted (1) from another format. The remaining lower
seven bits contain the ASCII decimal value for the first initial of the
font vendor’s name (this is assigned by Hewlett-Packard). The
following initials have been assigned:
For example, the number that Agfa assigns for a CG Times Bold Italic,
native format, font is 92505. This number is converted to hexadecimal
and used for the lower three bytes of the Font Number. Bit 8 of byte
44 is 0, since the native format is used and the lower seven bits are
the ASCII value for “C” (C for Compugraphic; 0100 0011). This
process is summarized below.
Table 11-23
Initial HexValue Vendor Name
A 41 Adobe Systems Inc.
B 42 Bitstream Inc.
C 43 &AGFA;
H 48 Bigelow && Holmes
L 4C Linotype Company
M 4D Monotype Corporation plc