
Powering On and Starting the System
HP NonStop S-Series Hardware Installation and FastPath Guide—541880-001
Starting the System
Starting the System
Starting the system requires loading the NonStop operating system into the memory of
each processor in the server. You load the operating system into one processor’s
memory from disk and then reload the remaining processors in the server.
For additional information on system startup, see Section 1, Introduction, and the
NonStop S-Series Operations Guide.
This subsection assumes that you have already logged on to the OSM or TSM
Low-Level Link to verify system components and the topology. If you have not
completed this task, see Verifying Topology and System Components on page 8-14.
If the system disk is not located in group 01, slots 11 and 12, load the system from the
Load Processor-n from Disk dialog box, not the System Startup dialog box. For more
information, see the NonStop S-Series Operations Guide.
After you load the operating system into processor 0 or 1, the remaining processors
are reloaded by executing commands in the command-interpreter input (CIIN) file.
Loading the System
A normal system load consists of loading the operating system from disk into the
memory of processor 0 or processor 1:
1. On the toolbar, click the Start System button, which appears as a vertical line
enclosed in a diamond. The System Startup dialog box appears. For an example of
its appearance in TSM (the OSM display is the same), see Figure 8-8 on
page 8-19.
2. In the System Startup dialog box:
a. In the SYSnn field, enter 00, which is the number of the system subvolume
that contains the version of the operating system you will load.
b. Under Configuration File, select Current (CONFIG), the default configuration
file that represents the configuration currently running.
c. Under Option, verify that the CIIN disabled check box is unchecked.
The CIIN file must be enabled because it contains commands needed to start
the server. The startup TACL process performs the commands in the CIIN file
and then logs off.
For a description of the CIIN file, see the NonStop S-Series Planning and
Configuration Guide.