HP NonStop S-Series Hardware Installation and FastPath Guide—541880-001
Multifunction I/O Board (MFIOB) Test Fails
Multifunction I/O Board (MFIOB) Test Fails
The multifunction I/O board (MFIOB) test checks the MFIOB. If the MFIOB test finishes
successfully, the service processor (SP) extinguishes the amber service LED on the
PMF CRU or IOMF CRU and generates an event, completing the POST. If the MFIOB
test fails, the MFIOB is either partially operational or not operational.
Indications of a Failed MFIOB Test Corrective Action
PMF CRU or IOMF CRU amber service
LED lights if the MFIOB is partially
PMF CRU or IOMF CRU green power-on
and amber service LEDs do not light if the
MFIOB is not operational.
1. Retry the operation.
2. If the test fails a second time, use the
OSM or TSM Event Viewer to check
the event logs for the
SpEvCruTestComplete event
3. Replace the PMF CRU or IOMF CRU.
OSM Guided Replacement
Procedures on page xxiv
TSM Guided Replacement Procedures
on page xxv