HP NonStop S-Series Hardware Installation and FastPath Guide—541880-001
Software Corruption and Hard-Disk Problems
Software Corruption and Hard-Disk Problems
The software on the system console might exhibit various symptoms indicating that
software has been destructively altered in some way. Software corruption can manifest
itself in many ways, from simple data errors and functional quirks to application
failures, system failures, and workstation inoperability.
Software corruption and hard-disk problems can seriously affect and even prevent the
operation of the system console. Fortunately, almost all of these types of problems can
be easily corrected using the tools provided with the system console. Only the most
severe conditions, such as hard-disk failures, require outside assistance.
Always start investigating a problem with the simple and easily correctable, such as
improper use or connectivity and software configuration problems, before you
investigate software corruption and equipment failures.
Application Fails Immediately When Started
If repeated attempts to start the system console are unsuccessful, you might need to
reinstall the Microsoft operating system and other software. For information about
installing or restoring applications, see Restoring Software on the Hard Disk on
page D-38.
Table D-7. Application Fails Immediately When Started
Symptom Recovery
Clicking an application icon
produces an error message
indicating that the application is
unavailable or disabled.
1. Record the error message for further reference.
2. Try again to start the application. If the failure occurs
again, record the error message accompanying the
3. Press Ctrl-Alt-Del and select Shutdown to restart the
system console. In the Shutdown screen, select
Shutdown and Restart, and then try again to start the
4. You might need to restore configuration information
using your ERD or ASR.
5. If this last attempt fails, you might need to restore the
application. See Restoring Software on the Hard Disk
on page D-38.
6. If restoring the application fails, contact your service