HP NonStop S-Series Hardware Installation and FastPath Guide—541880-001
Case Study: Installing and
Configuring a System
This section documents the installation and configuration of a NonStop S7000 system
for a fictitious company.
About These Examples 14-2
Background for Developers Inc. 14-3
Hardware Configuration 14-4
Installation Documents 14-4
System Configuration: CONFTEXT File 14-20
LAN Environment at Developers Inc. 14-20
Registry of IP Addresses 14-20
Installing the System 14-22
Customizing the Configuration 14-22
Adding Ethernet 4 ServerNet Adapters (E4SAs) 14-23
Adding ConMgr Process 14-24
Configuring NonStop TCP/IP Stacks on E4SA Ports 14-25
Adding Persistent CLCI TACL, Expand Manager, and SCP Processes 14-27
Starting the $ZEXP Expand Manager Process 14-27
Adding a SWAN Concentrator 14-28
Adding a SWAN 2 Concentrator 14-29
Adding CP6100 Lines 14-29
Adding a 5516 Printer 14-31
Adding an X.25 Line 14-32
Configuring and Starting the $NCP Network Control Process 14-33
Adding an Expand-Over-IP Line 14-33
Adding a Direct-Connect Line 14-34
Note. Examples and sample programs are illustrations only and might not suit your purposes.
HP does not warrant, guarantee, or make any representations regarding the use, or the results
of the use, of examples or sample programs in any documentation. You must verify the
applicability of any example or sample program before placing the software into production