Parameter Description Value
status Specifies the Processes to be
viewed by Process status. If
you do not specify a status
value, information is
generated for all status
| WC | WR | WS | (list)
EX (Execution)—Specifies to select Processes
from the Execution queue.
HC (Held for Call)—Specifies to select
Processes submitted with hold=call.
HE (Held due to Error)—Specifies to select
Processes held due to a connection error.
HI (Held Initially)—Specifies to select
Processes submitted with hold=yes.
HO (Held by Operator)—Specifies to select
Processes held by a change process
command issued with hold=yes.
HR (Held Retain)—Specifies to select
Processes submitted with retain=yes or
HS (Held Due to Execution
Suspension)—Specifies to select Processes
suspended by a flush process command
issued with hold=yes.
PE (Pending Execution)—Specifies to select
Processes submitted with a maxdelay
parameter and assigned PE status by the
Process Manager just before a Session
Manager is created to execute the Process.
After the Session Manager initializes, the
Process is placed on the Execution queue and
the status is changed to EX.
WC (Waiting for Connection)—Specifies to
select Processes that are ready for execution,
but that all available connections to the
remote node are in use.
WR (Waiting for Restart)—Specifies to select
Processes that are waiting for restart after
session failure.
WS (Waiting for Start Time)—Specifies to
select Processes waiting for a start time.
These Processes are on the Timer Queue.
list—Specifies a list of status values. Enclose
the list in parentheses, and separate each
value with a comma.
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes 21