v Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus for UNIX
v Sterling Connect:Direct for SWIFTNet for UNIX
During the Sterling Connect:Direct installation, cdcustrpt is installed in the
<installation>/etc/ directory.
Generating a Configuration Report on the Base Installation
Before you begin
When you use cdcustrpt to generate a report on the base Sterling Connect:Direct
installation, it reports the following types of system information:
v Name and other information of the operating system
v Space on file systems
v Virtual memory statistics
v Contents of the Sterling Connect:Direct installation directory
In addition to reporting system information, cdcustrpt invokes the Configuration
Checking Utility (cfgcheck) to validate the syntax of the five text-based
configuration files (if they are available and if the user has access to the files) and
to report on the contents of the configuration files. For more information on
cfgcheck, see “Validate Configuration Files” on page 53.
In this procedure, default values are computed by the utility based on the location
and name of the installed Sterling Connect:Direct and are provided in brackets “[
]”. Press Enter to accept the default values.
To invoke cducustrpt and generate a report of the base installation:
1. Type the following command at a UNIX prompt:
% cdcustrpt
2. Type the full path where Sterling Connect:Direct is installed and press Enter.
3. Type the full path and name for the report that will be generated and press
The report is generated in the location you specified, and any error messages
are displayed as shown in the following example:
% cdcustrpt
Enter full path of Connect:Direct destination directory:[/sci/users/jbrown1/cd40]:
Enter full path and name for this support report file:[/sci/users/jbrown1/cd40/etc/
ls: /sci/users/jbrown1/cd40/ndm/SACL: Permission denied
cdcustrpt ended
In this example, the user does not have root access, so the Strong Access
Control File (sysacl.cfg) can not be accessed. The following example shows an
excerpt from a sample report:
54 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide