from the commands. Control returns to the application when the connection is
established and Sterling Connect:Direct is ready for the first API request or when
an error condition is set.
Following is the format for the ndmapi_connect() or ndmapi_connect_c() function:
int32 ndmapi_connect ERROR_H error, char * ndm_hostname, char * ndm_portname
The following table describes the parameters for the ndmapi_connect() or
ndmapi_connect_c() function:
Parameter Description Value
error A pointer to a Sterling Connect:Direct-defined structure
that contains error information or status information.
ndm_hostname A pointer to the text specification of the Sterling
Connect:Direct host to which the connection is made. If
this parameter is not specified, the host name is
determined by first checking the environment variable
TCPHOST. If no value is specified, the tcp.host.name
field in the CLI/API configuration file is checked. If no
value is specified, the gethostbyname() command is
invoked and the default value of ndmhost is used.
ndm_portname A pointer to the host port number. If this parameter is
not specified, the environment variable TCPPORT is
checked. If no value is specified, the value of the
tcp.port in the CLI/API configuration file is checked. If
no value is specified, the default value 1363 is used.
The ndmapi_connect() or ndmapi_connect_c() function has the following return
Parameter Description
NDM_NO_ERROR A session was established with the server.
NDM_ERROR A session was not established with the
server. Consult the error structure for
detailed error status.
The following sample function illustrates the use of ndmapi_connect() to connect
to the sun1 host:
rc=ndmapi_connect (error, "sun1", "3122");
Terminating a Connection Using ndmapi_disconnect() or
Use ndmapi_disconnect() or ndmapi_disconnect_c() to terminate a connection to
Sterling Connect:Direct that was established by a call to ndmapi_connect() or
ndmapi_connect_c(). The ndmapi_disconnect() or ndmapi_disconnect_c()function
call is the following:
void ndmapi_disconnect
There are no parameters and no return codes for ndmapi_disconnect() or
ndmapi_disconnect_c(). Following is a sample ndmapi_disconnect() function:
ndmapi_disconnect ();
Chapter 4. Writing Custom Programs 63