Chapter 2. Process Queuing
Overview of the Transmission Control Queue
The TCQ controls Process execution as Sterling Connect:Direct operates. After you
submit a Process, it is stored in the TCQ. The TCQ consists of four queues:
Execution, Wait, Timer, and Hold.
After you submit a Process, you can monitor the status, modify specific
characteristics, and stop execution by using the appropriate commands. The
commands listed in the following table allow you to perform these tasks:
Command Definition
change process Change the status and modify specific
characteristics of a nonexecuting Process in
the TCQ.
delete process Remove a nonexecuting Process from the
Wait, Timer, and Hold queues.
flush process Remove an executing Process from the
Execution queue.
select process Monitor Processes in the TCQ, including
those Processes that are executing.
view process View Processes in the TCQ.
Scheduling Sterling Connect:Direct Activity
Sterling Connect:Direct places a Process in a queue based on the parameters that
affect scheduling. You can specify scheduling parameters in the Process statement
or the submit command.
Scheduling parameters are listed in the following section:
v retain=yes|no|initial
v hold=yes|no|call
v startt=[([date|day] [, hh:mm:ss | [am | pm]])
The following table shows how scheduling parameters affect the logical queues.
Parameter Queue Comments
None of the
parameters specified
Wait The Process remains in the Wait queue until
Sterling Connect:Direct establishes a session with
the remote node. After a session is established,
the Process moves to the Execution queue.
retain=yes Hold A copy of the Process executes once, unless you
specify a startt parameter value. Specify a day or
time or both for the Process to start.
retain=no Wait (if no other
parameters are
The Process remains in the Wait queue until
Sterling Connect:Direct establishes a session with
the remote node. The default is no.
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