Parameter Description Values
-a Use this option to replace zero-length
records with a single, blank character.
This parameter is valid only when you
specify the following: “-d text” and “-m
The default is y.
Specify n if the data is
copied to an i5OS or
mainframe node.
-h Use this option to display online help for
the utility.
No values are available for
this parameter.
Example—Precompress a Text File
In this example, the source file is a text file named source.file which is
precompressed into a destination file named compressed.file. The file is translated
using the default translation table, /home/cd/ndm/xlate/def_send.xlt. Trailing
blanks are stripped. Default settings for ZLIB tuning, checkpoint interval and block
size are used.
cdsacomp -m compress
-d text
-i source.file
-o compressed.file
-x /home/cd/ndm/xlate/def_send.xlt
-s y
Example—Precompress a Text File With Codepage Conversion
In this example, the source file is a text file named zzz.sac which is precompressed
into a file named zzz.txt. The file is converted from EBCDIC-US to ASCII using the
codepage option. Default settings are used for parameters that are not specified.
cdsacomp -m compress
-d text
-i zzz.txt
-o zzz.sac
Example—Precompress a Binary File
In this example, the source file is a binary file named source.file which is
precompressed into a destination file named compressed.file. Default settings are
used for parameters that are not specified.
cdsacomp -m compress
-d binary
-infile source.file
-outfile compressed.file
Example—Decompress a Text File
In this example, the source file is a precompressed text file named compressed.file
which is decompressed into a destination file named dest.file. The file is translated
using the default translation table, /home/cd/ndm/xlate/def_recv.xlt. Default
settings are used for parameters that are not specified.
Chapter 3. Sterling Connect:Direct Utilities 51