Validate Configuration Files
When you manually edit any of the five text-based Sterling Connect:Direct
configuration files, the Configuration Checking Utility (cfgcheck) enables you to
validate these files offline. The following files can be validated using this utility:
userfile.cfg, initparm.cfg, netmap.cfg, ndmapi.cfg, and sysacl.cfg.
Note: The Strong Access Control File (sysacl.cfg) will be validated only when the
user running the Configuration Checking Utility is a root user.
By default, cfgcheck is run with no arguments and attempts to find all five of the
configuration files in the current working directory. If all of the Sterling
Connect:Direct components are not installed, then some of the files will not be
found. For example, if the Command Line Interface (CLI) is installed but the
Sterling Connect:Direct server is not installed, only the ndmapi.cfg file will exist in
the installation directory. Therefore, only the ndmapi.cfg file will be validated.
When cfgcheck is run with no arguments, the utility will report that the other
configuration files were not found.
Note: Before you can execute cfgcheck, you must set the NDMAPICFG
environment variable. For more information, see “Overview of the Command Line
Interface” on page 1.
To invoke cfgcheck, type the following command at the UNIX prompt:
$ cfgcheck -t -h -f filename.cfg
The cfgcheck command has the following arguments:
Argument Description
No arguments (default) When no arguments are specified and the
cfgcheck utility is run by a non-root user, it
searches the cfg/ directory for the
following configuration files: initparm.cfg,
netmap.cfg, userfile.cfg, and ndmapi.cfg.
When a root user runs cfgcheck, the utility
also searches the SACL/ directory to locate
the sysacl.cfg file.
-h Prints the help screen and exits.
-t Turns on tracing and prints verbose debug
-f filename.cfg Specifies a configuration file name to
validate, where filename is the name of one
of the configuration files. You can specify
multiple -f arguments. When the -f
argument is used, cfgcheck will not
automatically search for other configuration
files from the file specified.
Configuration Reports
You can generate a report of your system information and Sterling Connect:Direct
configuration information using the Configuration Reporting Utility (cdcustrpt).
Configuration reports can be generated for the following Sterling Connect:Direct
v Base installation of Sterling Connect:Direct
Chapter 3. Sterling Connect:Direct Utilities 53