Table 23. Configuration Parameter List - Link Station - Detail (continued)
Parameter Information
Allow CP-CP sessions on this link
Valid Values
Yes, No
Default Value
Yes, if adjacent node type is APPN network node or APPN end node. No for all other
adjacent node types
This parameter specifies whether sessions between control points are to be activated
over this link station.
This parameter allows control of CP-CP session establishment between adjacent
network nodes so that the overhead associated with topology database updates (TDUs)
may be constrained.
Note: Every APPN network node must have at least one CP-CP session established to
another APPN network node in order to maintain the minimum connectivity necessary
to update the topology database. In addition, more than minimum connectivity could be
desired to eliminate single points of failure and to improve network dynamics.
CP-CP session level security
Valid Values
Yes, No
Default Value
This parameter specifies whether session level security is enforced for CP-CP sessions
established over this link station. When session level security is enabled, encrypted
data is exchanged and compared during the BIND flows (which includes the BIND, the
BIND response, and an FMH-12 Security RU). To successfully establish a CP-CP
session with session level security enabled, both partners must be configured with the
same encryption key. Currently, session level security support is limited to the basic
LU-LU verification protocol.
Encryption key
Valid Values
Up to 16 hexadecimal digits. If fewer than 16 digits are specified, the value is padded
on the right with zeros.
Default Value
This parameter is used to encrypt data exchanged during BIND flows. Both partners
must be configured with the same key to establish a CP-CP session.
APPN Configuration Commands
MRS V3.2 Protocol Config Ref Vol 2