Edit Dependent LU Server: (Y)es (N)o [N]?
Allow CP-CP sessions on this link (Y)es (N)o [Y]?
CP-CP session level security (Y)es (N)o [N]?
Configure CP name of adjacent node: (Y)es (N)o [N]?
Edit TG Characteristics: (Y)es (N)o [N]?
Write this record? [Y]?
The record has been written.
APPN config>list link tosecstn
Port name: SDLC001
Interface number(DLSw = 254): 1
Link Type: SDLC
Station address: C1
Activate link automatically: YES
Allow CP-CP sessions on this link: YES
CP-CP session level security: NO
Fully-qualified CP name of adjacent node:
Encryption key: 0000000000000000
Use enhanced session security only: NO
Cost per connect time: 0
Cost per byte: 0
Security:(0 = Nonsecure, 1 = Public Switched Network
2 = Underground Cable, 3 = Secure Conduit,
4 = Guarded Conduit, 5 = Encrypted, 6 = Guarded Radiation): 0
Propagation delay:(0 = Minimum, 1 = Lan, 2 = Telephone,
3 = Packet Switched Network, 4 = Satellite, 5 = Maximum): 2
Effective capacity: 45
First user-defined TG characteristic: 128
Second user-defined TG characteristic: 128
Third user-defined TG characteristic: 128
Predefined TG number: 0
APPN config>act
* Configuring a Secondary Point-To-Point SDLC Station: 2
Config> set data sdlc 1
Config> n1
SDLC user configuration
SDLC 1 Config> set link role secondary
SDLC 1 Config> set link cable rs-232 dte
SDLC 1 Config>list link **(will show link configuration)
SDLC 1 Config>add station
Enter station address (in hex) [C1]?
Enter station name [SDLC_C1]?
Include station in group poll list ([Yes] or No): no
Enter max packet size [2048]?
Enter receive window [7]?
Enter transmit window [7]?
SDLC 1 Config>list station all
Address Name Status Max BTU Rx Window Tx Window
------- -------- ---------- ------- --------- ---------
C1 SDLC_C1 ENABLED 2048 7 7
SDLC 1 Config>ex
Config> CTRL p
* restart
Are you sure you want to restart the gateway? (Yes or [No]): yes
Config>p appn
APPN user configuration
APPN config>add port sdlc
Interface number(Default 0): [0]? 1
Port name (Max 8 characters) [SDLC001]?
Enable APPN on this port (Y)es (N)o [Y]?
Port Definition
Service any node: (Y)es (N)o [Y]?
Edit TG Characteristics: (Y)es (N)o [N]?
Write this record? [Y]?
The record has been written.
APPN config>list port sdlc001 **(will show port definitions)
APPN config>add link sdlc001
APPN Station
Station name (Max 8 characters) [ ]? TOPRISTN
Activate link automatically (Y)es (N)o [Y]?
(Note: "Y" to accept activation from the primary or negotiable station)
Station address(1-fe) [C1]?
Adjacent node type: 0 = APPN network node, 1 = APPN end node
2 = LEN end node,3=PU2.0node [0]?
Chapter 1. APPN 67