
Sent error packet
Indicates that ISO CLNP error packet was sent on receipt of a bad packet.
Use the designated-router command to display the designated router for the LAN
subnets that are physically attached to this router and actively running IS-IS.
Designated Router Information:
Hdw Int# Circ L1DR L2DR
Eth/1 1 2 0000931004F002 0000931004F002
TKR/0 0 1 Elvis-01 Elvis-01
Hdw Indicates the type and instance of LAN attached to this router.
Int# Indicates the interface number of this router that attaches to the LAN.
Circ Indicates the circuit number assigned by the router. This number is always
one more than the interface number for LAN subnets.
L1DR Indicates the LAN ID of the designated router. If the use of an alias is
enabled, this command displays the alias of the particular segment. The
LAN ID is the designated router’s system ID concatenated with a 1-byte
locally-assigned circuit ID.
L2DR Description is the same as L1DR described above.
Note: If the designated router has not been elected yet, “Not Elected” will
be displayed instead of a LAN ID.
Use the dnav-info command to display the routing algorithm that is currently
running on the router.
DNA V Level 1 Routing Algorithm: Distance-vector
DNA V Level 2 Routing algorithm: Distance-vector
Note: Depending on whether or not DNA IV is enabled or disabled, the routing
algorithm displayed here may differ from what is configured in memory using
the set algorithm command at the OSI/DECnet V config> prompt.
If DNA IV is enabled - the routing algorithm is the one configured in memory.
If DNA IV is disabled - the routing algorithm is set to link state and may differ from
that set in memory.
OSI/DECnet V Monitoring Commands (Talk 5)
Chapter 10. Configuring and Monitoring OSI/DECnet V 333