
Note: This example is for configuring a router to interoperate with
other routers supporting the DEC-routing standard over X.25
networks. A router supporting the standard must be defined
as type DEC-ROUTING-IV (level 1) or DEC-AREA (level 2).
The default routing type is ROUTING-IV and AREA which
allows interoperation with many existing IBM 2210 and other
compatible routers.
NCP> define exec state on
Restart the router so that when you configure the X.25 circuit, all DEC
specific parameters are visible. To verify executor configuration, NCP> show
executor characteristics
b. DEFINE PhaseIV X.25 circuits.
You must configure the X.25 circuit as either a PVC or SVC. If this circuit is
configured as a PVC then the other end must also be a PVC. If this circuit is
configured as an IN-SVC, then the other end must be configured as an
NCP> define cir x25/0 usage IN-SVC
NCP> define cir x25/0 DTE-address "remote X.25 DTE"
NCP> define cir x25/0 call-data
NCP> define cir x25/0 verification enabled
Enabling verification is optional.
c. DEFINE circuits to the active state:
v for Token-Ring
NCP> define cir TKR/0 router type bilingual
v for ALL circuits
NCP> define cir xxx state on
Restart the router so that all of the DECnet parameters become effective,
VERIFY the X.25 configuration within the DECnet protocol is as you want it.
NCP> list circuit x25/0 characteristics
Using DNA IV
MRS V3.2 Protocol Config Ref Vol 2