
Default Value: 128
Adds a leaked route.
IPV4 destination
Specifies the IPv6 address of the destination for the leaked route.
Valid Values: Any valid IPv6 address
Default Value: None
Adds a packet-filter.
packet-filter name
Specifies an alphanumeric name used to identify the packet filter.
Valid Values: Any alphanumeric character string up to 16
characters in length
Default Value: None
which interface is this filter for
Specifies the network interface number to which the packet filter is
to be added.
Valid Values: A numeric value identifying any interface for which
IPv6 is a valid protocol
Default Value:0
route Adds a route.
IPV6 destination
Specifies the IPv6 address of the target for the route.
Valid Values: Any valid IPv6 address
Default Value: None
Prefix length
Specifies the mask to be applied to the destination address.
Valid Values: 8 - 128 (0 is allowed if the IPV6 destination is 0::0)
Default Value:8
Via gateway 1
Specifies the IPv6 address of the gateway 1.
Valid Values: Any valid IPv6 address
Default Value: None
Cost Specifies the cost of this route.
Valid Values: A numeric value
Default Value:1
Via gateway 2
Specifies the IPv6 address of the gateway 2.
Valid Values: Any valid IPv6 address
Default Value: None
Cost Specifies the cost of this route.
IPV6 Configuration Commands (Talk 6)
Chapter 14. Configuring and Monitoring IPV6 385