
6320ch_DEV_installation.fm Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm
90 Keeping Commerce Applications Updated WebSphere Commerce 5.1 to 5.6 Migration Guide
Install the DeployTool fix
The DeployTool fix upgrades the version of the Export Tool for EJBs and can be
found on the original WebSphere Commerce Studio V5.4 CD in the efixes/vaj
directory. The fix is stored in the file EJB-1.1-DeployedTool.zip.
To install this fix, complete the following steps:
1. Ensure that VisualAge for Java V4.0 is not running.
1. Extract the EJB-1.1-DeployedTool.zip file to a temporary directory on the
VisualAge for Java V4.0 system.
2. Run setup.exe from the temporary directory and complete the instructions.
Add features to workspace
You must add various features to your VisualAge for Java V4.0 workspace before
you can import the repository. To do this, complete the following steps:
1. Open VisualAge for Java V4.0. If this is the first time this program has been
opened you will be prompted to assign the Windows user ID as the VisualAge
for Java administrator. Enter the administrator user that you are currently
logged in to Windows with.
2. If the Welcome to VisualAge window appears, uncheck Show this window
at startup, select Go to the Workbench and click OK.
3. Press F2 to get to the QuickStart panel.
4. From the left panel, select Features.
5. From the right panel, select Add Feature, and click OK.
6. Select the following features and click OK:
Export Tool for Enterprise Java Beans 1.1 4.1.5
IBM Common Connector Framework 3.5.3
IBM EJB Development Environment 3.5.3
IBM Java Record Library 3.5.3
7. Close VisualAge for Java V4.0.
Install the Readonly fix
Install the following fix to VisualAge for Java V4.0 to avoid VisualAge for Java
V4.0 from deleting read-only attributes from your custom EJBs:
1. Ensure the VisualAge for Java V4.0 is not running.
2. Unzip the readonly.zip file from the efixes\VAJ of the WebSphere
Commerce Studio V5.4 CD into your VisualAge for Java V4.0 directory.